Libby Hague

cv 00installations00 prints00exhibitions00 video + Augmented Reality

Tout à la fois, Maison des Arts de Laval, Salle Alfred Pellan, Curator Angela Brayham
until July 14, Walking tour with artist and curator May 26, 2pm

photo credit: Guy L'Heureux

Touch me is an AR Project that has been selected to continue permanently on the moon as part of Fly me to the moon.
Yes, it's confusing but it's "cool" too, so go here to try it out Artificial Museum website

installtion image of  woman undressing with a strange landscape and an equally strange creature arriving stage left

Undressing, from My Story of Sublimation, woodcut sequence, 86 x 22 x 2.5 in.,
March 4 - April 8, 2023, Snap (Society of Northern Alberta Print- Artists) Edmonton, Alberta

Paradise from Simple Gifts: Small characters continue their journey and cross over a river to join their lost family and friends.

Paradise from Simple Gifts ( detail) woodcut installation

not recent but close to my heart:

Martian Odyssey: I will not be sad in this world*
he book project

Thank you for generous assistance from




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